I Didn’t Mean That

Archon's Den

Contradiction II

Here’s a list of words that don’t mean what they used to.

  1. Nice

The original meaning of nice used to be, well, not so nice. The adjective actually comes from the Latin word “nescius,” meaning “unaware” or “ignorant.” When it was picked up by the English language in the early 1300s, it described a “stupid, ignorant, or foolish” person. Ouch!

2. Awful

Nowadays, if you say something is awfulyou’re not being kind. However, back in the day, it was actually a term that people used to praise things, seeing as it literally meant that someone or something was “worthy of awe.” As awful became more negative, the word awesome largely replaced it in terms of its original meaning.

3. Flirt

Flirting with someone in today’s sense is what most people would consider to be flattering. However, if you were to flirt with someone based on the word’s original…

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Notes New Years Eve Playlist

New Years Eve 2019 finds me enjoying a private dance party. I’d like to think diverse musical tastes mirror my world view. With that in mind I’ve chosen three songs to help ring in 2020. No political messages or hidden meanings, simply three songs I’m enjoying tonight. Happy New Year from Notes.