Cannibal Spiders

I doubt spiders come to mind when pondering impacts of global warming at northern latitudes. Climate change has had a profound effect on Arctic Wolf Spiders, nobody cares because spiders are easily dismissed. Fun fact – in terms of biomass, wolf spiders in the Arctic outweigh that of regional wolf populations by 80 – 1. That’s a lot of spiders – thanks to longer, warmer summers they’re getting bigger and producing more offspring.

Nature has a uncanny ability to adapt when challenged with brief periods of climatic change. In 2009 researchers predicted warmer Arctic seasons would boost wolf spider size and numbers. Springtails, their prey of choice are wingless fungi eating hexapods. “Science’s Michael Price explains that springtails subsist on a diet of fungi, which consume decomposing plants and release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. But when wolf spiders keep the springtail population in check, the insects consume less fungus, which triggers faster decomposition of the tundra’s dead plant matter—and more greenhouse gases.” –

Science expected dense populations of wolf spiders to initially cannibalize their own, consume anything smaller than themselves while sorting out territory. They thought more wolf spiders meant fewer fungus nibbling springtails, but that hasn’t happened. Seems climate enhanced hoards of wolf spiders developed a taste for their own, ignoring springtails, favouring opportunistic ambushes of smaller spiders.

Science can’t explain why cannibal wolf spiders no longer fancy springtails. It can state as fact – higher springtail populations mean less fungus, slower decomposition of organic material, thus significantly less greenhouse gas released by the process of decomposition. Are cannibal wolf spiders Mother Nature’s way of mitigating the mess we’ve made?

Wolf spiders may turn to cannibalism in a warming Arctic

9 thoughts on “Cannibal Spiders

    • Ems and I moved a long pole from among a woodpile ten minutes ago, and when we put it down she discovered a rather large Brown Button clinging to her yoga pants …. by it’s jaws !
      ”What is it ?” says I to her loud calls of alarm, me having eyesight, like Mr Magoo.
      ”You know what it is!’ she yells pulling the pants fabric away from her leg.
      ”Ooh, nice!” I reply, giving the spider a gentle flick.
      I then had to restrain Ems from stripping off in the garden in case there were ”…any more on me!”
      Selfish child didn’t even wait for me to go and get my camera.

      • Too funny! Relax Ems, it’s only a spider. Years ago we were visiting family in the Okanogan. My daughter and I were in the bathroom (she was 5 at the time). Finished my business, went to pull up my pants when I felt a tickle on my leg. Hmm. Reverse action – out popped a behemoth (harmless) house spider. She levitated when it fell into the toilet bowl. Shrieking hysterically, she rushed past, flushing the toilet. Big ‘ol spider rode the wave, refusing to let gravity and flow annihilate its existence. I calmed my daughter, scooped it up in a cup and dumped it in the garden. Sigh.

      • Emily is fine around spiders …. most times. It was the shock of seeing it ”biting” her pants that freaked her out.
        She must have pressed the pole against her pants as we moved it and Mrs. Button got a bit cheesed off for being squashed.

  1. Nature has some amazing feedback mechanisms that keep the whole thing balanced. It actually allows me to be convinced that earth will survive it all. It might need to rid itself of greedy humans but if spiders behave, they can stay.

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