Young Voters Can Stop Harper

As Stephen Harper puffs, postures, and calculates his run at third term as Canadian Prime Minister, I find myself pondering a very real reality – he might succeed. Harper Conservatives count on the fact young voters don’t show up at the polls. In the 2011 federal election 61.1% of eligible voters marked “X” A look at the graph below illustrates the predominance of older voters, most notably the 66-74 age at 75%. It doesn’t take a statistician to figure out age 18-24  voters with 39% turn-out pulled national average down.

Young Canadians should be ashamed, less than 40% bothered to get off their ass. “Politics are boring”, “none of the candidates are exciting”, “my vote won’t make a difference” , “I forgot it was today” – pitiful excuses for a voice in their future.

Aging Conservative voters will be dead and gone long before Harper’s flagrant disregard kicks Canada in the face. Why young people don’t get this is beyond me. Snap out of your self absorbed little bubble young Canada, wake up and vote to stop Stephen Harper.Post a “selfie” at the polling station if you have to, Tweet, Instagram, social media your voting experience till I gag – just get out and vote.